Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Why is it so easy to put things off? I often wish that I was the kind of person who just did the things I'm supposed to when I'm supposed to do them. I think that everyone has a little bit of a procrastinator in them whether they want to admit it or not. Lately my apartment has started to look like a hurricane came through. The kitchen is constantly a mess and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to catch up with the dishes. After a while it gets frustrating to look at, but sometimes I start to not see it at all. Starting this past weekend I went back to my to-do lists. In general I think that they are a huge help in knowing what needs to get done as well as the satisfaction you get when you cross something off the list.

No one can be perfect all the time. I try to remind myself of this a lot, especially when I feel like I'm not getting anything done. But at the same time I have to remember that it does actually take some effort to get things done, even when I don't want to. With the extreme heat the last few days getting other things accomplished has been a huge effort. I find that after a huge bought of procrastination the best way is to ease back into getting stuff done. Like trying to get into a regular routine, which means going to bed on time and setting the alarm clock for a time that you will reasonably get out of bed. I also find it easier if I break up the time I spend trying to do things. For example I set a timer and do as much cleaning up, picking up and putting away until the timer goes off. It can be easy to start with 10 minutes at a time. Sometimes you see how much you can get done and then it's easier to do more time the next time. I've found if I try to set aside a whole day for this kind of thing I end up procrastinating more and then nothing gets done and I feel horrible about myself.

What can you get done today?

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