Thursday, June 21, 2012

laugh at yourself

I am not the most graceful person and I often find myself doing things and then quickly looking around to make sure no one saw what I just did. I wish that I wasn't so obsessed with how others perceive me, but it's something that I'm working on.

A few weeks ago I was getting coffee early on Sunday morning. I'm super obsessed with Dunkin Donut's coffee to which I add their blueberry syrup. It is soooooo good. I wish that I didn't like it so much especially because the amount of cream and sugar I like in it is not waist friendly. I used to just get a cream and sugar coffee palooza once a week, but there happens to be a DD on UIC's campus. It's probably a good thing that I run late a lot so I don't have time to stop. Hey - a different flaw working for me! (For those of you that know me well, you know that I have time management issues which are inherited from my mother.) Back to my story - it was very early on Sunday morning, about 6:30, and I had just taken the dog out and decided to get coffee. The DD is a couple miles away so we drove. Their parking lot is super tiny and hard to get in and out of. I managed to find a spot right in front of the store. It was a quick in and out in less than 5, but by the time I get back in my car there are at least 3 other cars trying to park. A BIG white van is waiting for my spot. There was no one behind me I thought it would be easier to just back-up, let the van park and then try to get out of the parking lot.

Bad idea. I gunned it in reverse and was quickly stopped by the cement pole near the door of the store. I was slightly shocked at first, then terrified I had hit someone or another car. Mortification quickly seeped in. The guy in the van had this look of horror on his face, naturally I felt I had to say something. I rolled down my window and told him it was still really early and I hadn't had my coffee yet. Then I got my ass out of there as fast as I could. The entire drive home all I could do was shake my head and laugh. When I was able to park and check out the damage I couldn't believe how lucky I was, just some of the paint was scratched off with no dent. It would have been better if it never happened, but that's not the way life always works. I was so happy that no one got hurt and the damage wasn't too severe and it's nothing that can't be fixed.

When I think about these kinds of things I just have to laugh at myself. It doesn't always happen right away, some "dummie" things need more time. If you can't laugh at yourself then life is too serious.

When was the last dumb thing you did that made you laugh at yourself? Didn't it make you feel better?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Why is it so easy to put things off? I often wish that I was the kind of person who just did the things I'm supposed to when I'm supposed to do them. I think that everyone has a little bit of a procrastinator in them whether they want to admit it or not. Lately my apartment has started to look like a hurricane came through. The kitchen is constantly a mess and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to catch up with the dishes. After a while it gets frustrating to look at, but sometimes I start to not see it at all. Starting this past weekend I went back to my to-do lists. In general I think that they are a huge help in knowing what needs to get done as well as the satisfaction you get when you cross something off the list.

No one can be perfect all the time. I try to remind myself of this a lot, especially when I feel like I'm not getting anything done. But at the same time I have to remember that it does actually take some effort to get things done, even when I don't want to. With the extreme heat the last few days getting other things accomplished has been a huge effort. I find that after a huge bought of procrastination the best way is to ease back into getting stuff done. Like trying to get into a regular routine, which means going to bed on time and setting the alarm clock for a time that you will reasonably get out of bed. I also find it easier if I break up the time I spend trying to do things. For example I set a timer and do as much cleaning up, picking up and putting away until the timer goes off. It can be easy to start with 10 minutes at a time. Sometimes you see how much you can get done and then it's easier to do more time the next time. I've found if I try to set aside a whole day for this kind of thing I end up procrastinating more and then nothing gets done and I feel horrible about myself.

What can you get done today?

Thursday, June 14, 2012


On Monday I turned 31! I have a special fondness for birthdays. For me its a reminder that life is precious and special. You made it though another year. In many ways birthdays remind me of the beginning of the year. They are filled with endless possibilities and the sense that you can conquer the world. For myself I want to celebrate. It doesn't have to be a grand extravaganza, just a nice day filled with no drama and people I love. This was the first year that I spent my actual birthday alone. I have to say that it was a very different experience. It was also a reminder that I'm getting older and growing into a more mature adult. I think being single and not having anyone else to take care of (well, besides the dog) that I don't feel like I'm in my 30's, a lot of the time I still feel like I should be in high school. Which is weird, because I don't think you could pay me to go back and be in high school.

I guess you could say I have a "thing" about celebrating on the actual day. I did get a chance to celebrate with both my parents the days leading up to the day and it was wonderful. But it just never felt like my birthday. When I woke-up on Monday morning I sang to myself, took the dog for a walk and got ready for my summer school class. Class on my birthday was also another first. I've always been very lucky to not have to go to school on my birthday, usually because it was late enough in the spring that school was already out. Late that evening I took the L to the bookstore and browsed for a while, picked up a couple of writing books, then took myself to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. So far, it really felt like my birthday. Somehow Mexican and books are the two things I usually manage to do on my birthday. If you know me, you know that I love books and go to the bookstore frequently. When I go on my b-day it just feels different, the only way I know how to explain it is a calm tranquility. It's probably part of the new beginnings feeling that comes with the mark of a new year.

I had some great conversations with family who wanted to wish me a happy day and gobs of friends on fb writing on my page. And last night I had a fantabulous friend take me to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I have not been so stuffed in a long time. It was such a special, special dinner. As I continue to get older I'm starting to learn to be more flexible about my ideas and I hope that next year's celebration can be just as great as this year.

My mom made me gluten free cupcakes!

Me and dad

Me and my step-mom Debbie

At Ruth's Chris - Stacey had they make a special plate with my desert. I made a really good wish!

Me and Stacey (limo was for her parents Anniversary)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

romance authors + book signing = my celebrites

I haven't always like to read as much as a I do now. When I was little my mom used to say that when I read all the books on my shelves I could buy more. Of course much of that was in reference to the book flyer's they passed out in class. I loved those little catalogs - all the books looked so awesome. I was in middle school when I first got turned on to romances. We were having a garage sale and some of the neighbors brought stuff to be sold. Afterwards the unsold items hung around our garage for a while. I found this book, Years by LaVyrle Spencer - the cover was oh so racy. I was intrigued and took the book. You could call this a turning point. For a while I read the teen romances, but closer to high school I really fell in love with the Zebra Historicals as well as other single title romances. One summer my step-mom took me around to all the garage sales and we found bags and bags of romances. Soon I found my favorite author's like Julie Garwood, Johanna Lindsey, Jude Deveraux and Catherine Coulter.

In a few short days I'll be turning 31! I realized that well over half my life I've been obsessed with romance novels. About 7 years ago I discovered that you could actually meet the women who wrote these books. I have to say that this was kind of a revelation at the time. So I took a big bag of books and went out to a book signing to meet some of my favorite author's and get my books signed. I can't begin to tell you what a thrill it was, because to me these authors are like celebrities.

Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville has a steady stream of authors that come through its doors. Last Sunday they had 5 romance authors: Rachel Gibson, Pamela Palmer, Julia Quinn, Sarah MacLean and Elizabeth Boyle. Usually I'm the first to jump on these events and I like to plan in advance. I was a little wishy-washy about going (reasons unknown). But I did go and it was so much fun. I'm always inspired more to write after hearing the authors story and how they got started.

This was one of my first major signings. Brenda Novak came with about 9 other authors for the K-Mart Sizzling Summer Tour.

Sarah MacLean at Anderson's in Naperville for the Avon Romance Author High Tea.

Rachel Gibson - she was so gracious to sign all the books she's written.

Elizabeth Boyle - between us my stack of her books, some I had managed to put away already!

Julia Quinn - this was my second time meeting her and just as great the first time around.

Friday, June 1, 2012

adult bib

This morning it's raining again. Except today is the kind of annoying, spitting rain that doesn't really require an umbrella but manages to get you damp. This reminds me of that annoying habit each person has about their own self that they just can't stand. If you're like me that annoying habit can't be fixed, no matter what you try to do about it. For anyone who has eaten with me on a regular basis knows that I am a spill-er.

Last night I was out with my new city girlfriend, Molly. We had dinner at Trattoria 10. A nice little Italian place in the downtown area. The food was divine! Inevitably some of dinner managed to get on my white shirt. She said something along the lines of you spill on yourself every time we go out. I can't deny it. Just about everyday I spill one of my meals on my clothing. Makes it hard to wear a shirt twice or even walk around in public sometimes. Let's just say that I do a lot of laundry.

Over the years there have been many suggestions on how to conquer this "problem". My mother likes to remind me to sit up straight and eat over my plate. My dad is always telling me to slow down and use a napkin as a bib. Many, many friends have suggested that I get an adult bib. I have to admit the idea has merit and I'm surprised that no one has ever gotten me one as a gag gift. But there have been times where I consciously tried not to spill and used my napkin as a bib. Inescapably the food will find a way to my clothing, if I'm wearing a makeshift bib it will find the one spot that it is not covering and attach itself there. In some cases this can be very frustrating.

Spilling is the one thing that I have just learned to live with. At times it still annoys me, but it seems like no matter what I try and do it just continues to happen. So I carry a tide pen or wear a cardigan or try to blot it out. But what I can do better than most is get that stain out when I do the wash.

This is me on my birthday a few years ago. You can see the spill next to the birthday pin.