Wednesday, April 3, 2013

piling up

It's getting to be that crazy time of year known as the end of the semester. It seems that the busier I get the more things start to pile up. Now, I know I have a lot on my plate and I should probably give myself a little break from the voices in my head telling me what to do, but it's just oh so hard! I really, truly want to be perfect at everything. I want to be able to get up when my alarm goes off, take the dog for a walk, prepare myself a nice healthy breakfast, shower, get ready, pack my bag and make my lunch all the while getting to the train station without having to run to catch my train. In theory it shouldn't be so freaking difficult -but it is. I find myself going through spurts of being able to get up and moving when my alarm goes off. I'm fantastic at getting up and resetting my alarm for a few extra minutes. And yes, I know that I'm not actually getting any kind of quality sleep, but it's just so cozy in my bed that I don't want to leave it. Hey, even the dog doesn't want to get up then.

Here is proof of what my life becomes when I'm constantly running around trying to be perfect person. Bags get dumped on chairs and laundry gets washed, but not folded or put away.

The couch becomes my "safe place" leaving a permanent imprint of my behind. Sad - I know.

Things become so hectic that I can barely manage to close my drawers. Pathetic.

I feel like I'm constantly striving for a balance that I am unable to reach. It gets frustrating after a while. A constant battle that I may never be able to conquer. At some point I get so frustrated with the way things look that I become a little whirlwind cleaning, sorting, putting away machine. It feels so good when I'm done and then I start to wonder why it is I can't dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to this sort of thing. The answer is that I can I just have to start making it part of my routine. The pattern has been that I do pretty well for a week or so after a straightening binge and as things continue to get busier I start being more lax in my pickupedness my space looks more and more like the pictures above. Until the frustration builds and I do an evening of cleaning and have to remind myself that I wasn't meant to be perfect.

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